Driving Efficiency Through Digital and Hybrid Service Delivery

Our focus is to continue to digitise our core services, to drive further efficiency and offer our customers greater choice and flexibility. This includes:

  • Our extensive hybrid learning and development events programme for financial advisers has been scaled through introduction of a state-of-the-art digital events platform, offering intermediaries efficiency, flexibility and choice.
  • Our new virtual compliance health checks for financial advisers have been introduced to complement the existing consultative services provided by our team, increasing access, and providing greater efficiency and flexibility for our customers.


attendees at our hybrid educational programme in 2023

Related Documents

Our contribution to UN SDGs 2023
SASB Disclosures 2023
Fintel plc Annual Report & Accounts 2023
ESG Report 2023

Get in touch

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Our Impact

Driving positive change in our business, our industry and broader communities, inspiring better outcomes for all.

Better Future

Empowering our people and communities, promoting diversity, learning and financial education to create opportunities for all.

Better Industry

Improving the Retail Financial Services Industry by enabling it to operate more effectively and meet the evolving needs of consumers.