Educating Advisers To Support Financially Vulnerable Clients

In a post pandemic world and with contributing trends such as the rising cost of living, financial vulnerability is a growing problem for consumers. The FCA has focused keenly on vulnerability over the past few years, and we foresee that its interest in this vitally important area will only increase moving forward. To ensure our Member firms are well positioned to support their vulnerable clients we:

  • Financial Vulnerability Taskforce Collaborated with the Financial Vulnerability Taskforce to promote best practice standards in supporting vulnerable clients. We support its aims of delivering positive, fair, outcomes to all and improving consumer access to advice and encourage early adoption of the Taskforce’s charter amongst our membership.

  • Expanded our vulnerability hub, containing comprehensive resources and guides helping advisers serve vulnerable clients.
  • Launched a cognitive assessment tool to help advisers identify, assess and better support vulnerable clients.

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Driving positive change in our business, our industry and broader communities, inspiring better outcomes for all.

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Empowering our people and communities, promoting diversity, learning and financial education to create opportunities for all.

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Improving the Retail Financial Services Industry by enabling it to operate more effectively and meet the evolving needs of consumers.