Better Business

Operating as a market connector at the heart of UK retail financial services, we recognise the importance of managing our business responsibly. Our strong governance standards and ethical, values-driven culture enable us to drive positive change and consistently deliver on our commitments.


Fintel's ESG Strategy

Better Future Financial confidence Thriving workforce Community engagement Better Business Corporate governance   Environmental footprint   Better Industry Innovation & digitisation ESG enablement

2023 highlights



Reduction in scope 2 emissions compared to 2022



Renewable electricity procured at our two largest offices



Tonnes of waste diverted from landfill

Corporate Governance

With an ethical, values driven culture, we operate to the highest standards of transparency and integrity. Strong corporate governance standards are embedded across our organisation, enabling us to continuously deliver better outcomes for our stakeholders.

Our focus
  • Maintaining robust data security controls and processes
  • Maintaining an efficient risk management framework
  • Sustaining high standards of corporate governance
  • Ensuring staff understanding of governance and security through a mandatory annual training programme
2024 Priorities
  • Conduct capability and maturity assessments across digital functions
  • Bolster compliance with ISO27001 and ISO27701 accreditations across Simplybiz infrastructure
  • Strategic review of principal risks taking into consideration the evolving risk profile of the business following recent acquisitions
    and wider market changes

Data Security

As a data-driven business providing digital services to our customers, data integrity and cyber security is one of our principal risks and a key focus for our business.

Our approach is aligned to a government backed standard, with our governance framework focusing on prevention and early detection of potential threats, whilst also preparing us to respond and recover effectively. This includes:

  • Group wide risk evaluation and continuity planning, conducted via technology governance team meetings to identify, manage and respond to our cyber risks.
  • Adherence to a government backed Cyber Essentials Plus standard across our key brands.
  • Continuous development of security protocols via external security audits, vulnerability assessments and penetration testing of our systems.
  • Use of advanced encryption methodology to ensure secure storage and transfer of sensitive information.
  • Adherence to applicable data protection laws including UK General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). Find out more about how we collect, process and secure personal information in our Privacy Notice.
  • Mandatory annual cyber security, cybercrime and GDPR training for all our colleagues.

Governance and accountability

Strong governance is a key enabler of our strategy, and the Board ensures continual improvement of processes, controls and risk management to ensure our governance framework remains fit for purpose. This includes:

  • Ensuring that the Company is managed for the benefit of all its stakeholders, by promoting a strong, ethical and values-driven culture and providing effective leadership and direction to the business.
  • Full oversight of the Company budget, including rigorous quarterly revaluation process to provide clear view of the Company’s performance throughout the year.
  • Regular review of our growth ambitions and strategic progress.
  • Having ultimate responsibility and oversight of the system of internal controls, which include risk assessments, processes, policies and organisational structures.

The Board is supported by four committees, details of which are outlined within the Directors' Responsibilities section.

We continue to adopt the Quoted Companies Alliance ("QCA") Corporate Governance Code, which is deemed to be the most suitable governance framework for Fintel, aligned to our strategy, size, nature of business and resources. You can find out more here.

You can learn more about our approach to corporate governance by reading Corporate Governance report section of the Annual Report and Accounts.

Focused Risk management

A robust risk management framework is key to maintaining our long-term success and allows us to effectively identify, evaluate and manage the risks faced by Fintel.

An overview of the risk management framework (which has been further strengthened through the formation of an Enterprise Risk and Business Performance Steering group in 2022) and a summary of the current principal risks can be found in our latest Annual Report and Accounts here.


We fully comply with our tax obligations, cooperate with the tax authorities and have a zero tolerance towards the criminal facilitation of tax evasion.

Anti money laundering

We are committed to preventing Fintel and our employees being exposed to money laundering, identifying the risks where it may occur and complying with legal and regulatory requirements, especially with regard to reporting suspected cases. Annual compulsory money laundering training is provided to all our colleagues and we have appropriate anti-money laundering policies and procedures in place. Further details can be found in our Code of Ethics.

Anti Bribery and corruption

We have zero tolerance for bribery and corruption and do not permit the use of facilitation payments either directly or indirectly through an agent or intermediary or to a charity or political cause. Annual compulsory anti bribery and corruption training is provided to all our colleagues and we have appropriate anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies and procedures in place. Further details can be found in our Code of Ethics.

Human Rights

We support and respect all internationally recognised human rights and seek to ensure we are not complicit in human rights abuses by any other person, organisation or government. Our commitment, principles and standards we require all our employees to follow, are set out within our Code of Ethics.

We expect our suppliers to follow high standards as well and the standards and principles we require them to follow are set out within our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Modern Slavery

We are committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within our business and supply chain and impose the same high standards on our suppliers.

We always act in compliance with employment legislation, ensure that all staff have the right to work in the UK, and are treated with respect.

We set out our full commitments, policies and processes within our Modern Slavery Statement, reviewed each year.


It is essential that any fraud, misconduct or wrongdoing by workers or officers of Fintel is reported and properly dealt with. We therefore encourage all individuals to raise any concerns that they may have about the conduct of others in the business or the way in which the business is run.

Environmental Footprint

We recognise that to build a more sustainable future, we all have a role to play, and we are committed to managing the environmental footprint of our operations.

Our focus
  • Measuring and reducing our environmental footprint
2024 Priorities
  • Implement a travel management solution, supporting scope 3 emissions accounting and prompting our people to make greener
    travel choices
  • Develop an energy savings action plan, supporting our emissions intensity ratio reduction target, and informing future emissions reductions plans

Environmental Policy

Due to the nature of our business, our impact on the environment is relatively low, which was also recognised by our key stakeholders who, as part of our ESG materiality assessment have scored our environmental footprint as a low priority area for us to address.

We do recognise, however, that to build a more sustainable future, we all have a role to play and we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our operations. Our key focus areas include:

  • Digitisation and hybrid delivery of core services including events and compliance visits, reducing carbon emissions from transportation.
  • Introduction of new printing facilities, allowing us to closely monitor paper usage and reduce accidental printing by requiring staff credentials to be used to release printing.
  • Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme assessment conducted to identify further opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of our offices and with plans to implement recommended measures over the next 18 months.
  • Move of our adviser magazine printing contract to an ISO 14001 accredited and Forest Stewardship Council (“FSC”) certified supplier.
  • Appointment of a new electronic waste disposal partner, helping us to redirect 100% of our e-waste from landfill.

We offer our staff several ways to reduce their individual footprint, including:

  • Reducing daily commute emissions through hybrid working available across all roles.
  • Within our new Flexible Benefits Platform our colleagues can benefit from:
    • A cycle to work scheme
    • An electric vehicle scheme (currently available to our Defaqto colleagues)
    • A carbon offsetting scheme
    • Access to ‘modern milkman’ services reducing plastic waste
    • A ‘too good to go’ scheme reducing food waste.

Measuring our environmental footprint

The crucial first step for us to fully understand our impact was to measure our baseline, which is why in 2020 we started reporting on our greenhouse gas emissions under Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting guidelines. We are committed to continue improving our emissions data coverage, including expansion of our scope 3 (indirect) emissions data.



Scope 1 & 2 emissions carbon intensity ratio
(2022: 1.30 tcO2e/£m)

Our contribution towards U.N. Sustainable Development Goals

Climate ActionTarget 13.2 Integrate climate change measures into policies and planning

Throughout 2022 we sought suppliers that would enable us to reduce our impact in a number of areas, which resulted in moving our adviser magazine printing contract to an ISO 14001 accredited and Forest Stewardship Council (“FSC”) certified supplier and appointment of a new electronic waste disposal partner, helping us to redirect 100% of our e-waste from landfill from 2023.

We also support our people to reduce their footprint through a hybrid working policy, available across all Fintel roles, reducing the emissions caused by the daily commute. Building on this, within the Flexible Benefits Platform, launched in 2022, we offer: a cycle to work scheme, an electric vehicle scheme (available to our Defaqto colleagues), a carbon offsetting scheme, access to “modern milkman” services reducing plastic waste and a “too good to go” scheme reducing food waste.

You can find "Our Contribution to SDGs" here.

Related Documents

Our contribution to UN SDGs 2023
SASB Disclosures 2023
ESG Report 2023
Fintel plc Annual Report & Accounts 2023
QCA statement on corporate governance
Environmental Policy
Fintel Code of Ethics
Supplier code of conduct

Get in touch

To find out more information about our impact email us.

Our Impact

Driving positive change in our business, our industry and broader communities, inspiring better outcomes for all.

Better Future

Empowering our people and communities, promoting diversity, learning and financial education to create opportunities for all.

Better Industry

Improving the Retail Financial Services Industry by enabling it to operate more effectively and meet the evolving needs of consumers.