Our Impact

We are committed to driving positive change in our business, our industry and broader communities, inspiring better outcomes for all.

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ESG Report 2023

ESG Report 2023

Fintel's ESG Strategy

Better Future Financial confidence Thriving workforce Community engagement Better Business Corporate governance   Environmental footprint   Better Industry Innovation & digitisation ESG enablement

Our Approach

Our purpose of inspiring better outcomes underpins everything we do and was a key driver in defining our holistic environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) strategy, launched in 2022.

This bespoke strategy is structured around three pillars: better future, better industry, and better business, each forming a cornerstone of our ESG goals. The launch of our strategy cemented our long-term commitment to sustainable value creation for all of our stakeholders, driving positive change in our business, our industry and broader communities.

We are delighted that our efforts have been recognised through us being shortlisted as a finalist for the "ESG Initiative of the Year" at ICA Compliance Awards in 2023 and the Diversity Award at the MoneyAge Awards 2024, and winning the Sustainability Initiative of the Year at the MoneyAge Awards 2024.



Comprehensive Materiality Assessment

Stakeholder engagement is crucial to the long-term success and sustainability of our business, which is why a consultation with our key stakeholders was a vital step in defining our ESG strategy.

In 2021 we engaged our Member and Client Firms, strategic partners, colleagues, investors and suppliers to help us prioritise our ESG strategy over the next three years. The resulting scores have been plotted within our materiality matrix, as seen below.

This assessment will be refreshed regularly, with the next review scheduled for 2025.

ESG Accountability

To fully embed the principles of ESG across Fintel we have developed an enhanced governance structure that will help us drive positive change.

Responsibility for the overall ESG strategy lays with our Joint CEO Matt Timmins, with direct input and oversight from the Board of Directors. We have also appointed a central ESG team, providing strategic direction and guidance to implement our Better Outcomes Plan across the business.

In 2022 we formed an ESG and Wellbeing Committee, chaired by our Senior Independent Non-Executive Director Imogen Joss. This direct oversight from a Board-level Committee will help us to fully integrate ESG principles within all operations and ensure that the ESG strategy remains consistent with the Company’s purpose, culture and values whilst supporting our strategic ambitions and long-term sustainable success.



Fintel Board

Memberships, Collaborations and Accreditations

Disability Confident Committed
Living Wage Employer
Outstanding to work for Award - 2024
Financial Vulnerability Taskforce
Diversity and Inclusion Finance Forum

Latest Documents

Our contribution to UN SDGs 2023
SASB Disclosures 2023
ESG Report 2023

Get in touch

To find out more information about our impact email us.

Better Future

Empowering our people and communities, promoting diversity, learning and financial education to create opportunities for all.

Better Industry

Improving the Retail Financial Services Industry by enabling it to operate more effectively and meet the evolving needs of consumers.

Better Business

Driving positive change in our business, our industry and broader communities, inspiring better outcomes for all.