Significant Shareholders

As at 22 January 2025, the Board had been formally notified of the following interests representing 3% or more of the Company's issued share capital.

Shareholders per latest publically available information Ordinary shares % holding
Ken Davy OBE* 24,731,476 23.74%
Octopus Investments 12,069,444 11.58%
Slater Investments 11,534,079 11.07%
Rathbones Investment Management 11,457,246 11.00%
Gresham House Asset Management 9,914,741 9.52%
Liontrust Asset Management 9,863,544 9.47%
Matt Timmins**  3,461,079 3.32%

* Includes ordinary shares held in trust and shares held indirectly through Huddersfield Giants
** Includes shares held by Austin Timmins, a person closely associated to Matt Timmins 

The number of shares in issue is 104,193,285 shares of 1p

As from 22 January 2025, 63.57% of securities were not in public hands

Fintel plc shares are traded on the AIM of the London Stock Exchange

Last update 22 January 2025